Baby Names with Characteristic Meanings

We all want our kids to grow up to be successful, smart and happy adults. Some parents name their baby after a quality they revere and want to grant the child.
Choosing a name with a characteristic can give you an opportunity to name your child after a quality you find important.

Let's say that a baby is born to an agrarian society. The main qualities for being a successful farmer are strength, sturdiness, resilience and independence. An abundance of names were given in hope the baby would grow and succeed his father in the field or her mother in house jobs.

In all societies it is common to give these kinds of names: in Japan, agrarian countries many names were invented: Takeo which means "Strong like bamboo",
We all want our kids to grow up to be successful, smart and happy adults. Some parents name their baby after a quality they revere and want to grant the child.
Choosing a name with a characteristic can give you an opportunity to name your child after a quality you find important.

Hanna, a girl name meaning flower, Hiraku Meaning expand, open, pioneer. In the Japanese culture and its religion Shinto beauty and intelligence is regarded as a high ideals and names are given to inspire the child and his parents:

Toshiro is bright, intelligent as the name of the biggest Japanese movie star in all times Toshiro Mipone. Emi is a Japanese originated girl name meaning beautiful and Akira meaning bright and clear.

In western societies it is also common to find names with characteristics. Name etymologies research found out interesting meanings to common, seemingly meaningless names: Albert is noble, bright, and famous, Berthold is "bright strength" or "renowned leader".
Several names became popular in the 17th and 18th century, at the peak of The Age of Enlightenment, which were inspired by the freedom of man and the coming to age of reason: Berton, Bertram, Lambert, Shanahan and Bertha means bright and clever.
But the most popular inspired characteristic is strength. Several names have developed in many societies meaning strength and sturdiness. Here is a small amount of names: Adira, Alima, Bernadette, Ethan, Chasina, Fortney, Gertrude, Ronni, Valencia, Alexander, Armstrong, Ballard, Bernard, Burchard and Conall.

But what about your baby's monetary destiny? Parents have named their kids after names which mean richness and plentifully in hope that the name will fulfill the destiny. Some names are: Darius, Daria, Edwina, Pluto, Richmond and Donald.

Ever since the dawn of man, parents have given their babies name so that they will be inspired and the name will guide their life. A name can mold your child's personality, even in the aspects of daily life. A name can give strength, wealth or wisdom. It is your child's task to learn how to use it.

Source : babyhold

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