Did you know that Albert Einstein (inventor of the theory of relativism) appeared to suffer from hyperactivity? Did you know that Alpha Thomas Edison (inventor of the light) apparently suffered from poor concentration of attention (ADD)? Lots of data showing that people who are successful and high achievers were suffering from behavioral problems, such as: concentration of attention disorder (ADD) and learning difficulties
which appeared several years after it was discovered how to measure the level of intelligence (Test of Intelligence).
At the beginning of last century, the teaching system has been narrowing the definition of intelligence or IQ. Only people who have an IQ of 80-110 is capable of learning, whereas children with an IQ below 80 is inserted in an idiot or has not capability to learn. Persons who have IQ scores above 110, into the category of smart or clever. This system adopted until early 1960. After that, the scientists began to doubt the validity of this theory because they found that a small child who has an IQ of below standard are able to learn and succeed. This is what causes these scientists began looking for new interpretations. Gardner has explained his research At his book "Frames of Mind". In addition, Gardner has also criticized the theory that explains the belief that every individual is born with limited intelligence. He also advised to receive seven frames to identify each individual's intelligence in adapting. He also reopened the understanding that the intelligence or the ability to adapt not only be done by reading Arau write, but can also be done by other ways.
Seven frames of multiple intelligence by Gardner are:
1. Linguistic Intelligence
Any individual who has the intelligence of the language usually love to read, write fluently, write well, telling stories with an interesting sentence structure, and able to memorize history and events in detail. Children like this need books and tapes to be heard, attend discussions, lectures, and also requires a writing instrument because the child has the ability to write.
2. Logical-Matematic Intelligence
Children who have the intelligence to think, always showing some affection towards mathematics and other sciences. Children are able to solve the problems associated with the count easily, like a game that involves thinking and argumentation, and engineering sciences. Children can learn through the issues and events, requiring laboratory or other facilities, and also requires a count stimuli. Children also learn a lot from visits to science museums, or involvement in scientific programs.
According to the beliefs of our society, these two types of intelligence (Linguistic Intelligence Logical Matematic And Intelligence) is a type of intelligence that were well received compared to other types of intelligence. That is until now every parent who saw their children have this type of intelligence was pleased that their children will be able to face problems with ease. In addition, children will always be accepted in society because of his intelligence would be accepted by society. The types of intelligence that five (which will be mentioned hereafter) are often rejected by parents as intelligence held by their children.
3. Spatial Intelligence
Children are usually good at drawing, always remember the scene with the thinking, that is to remember something that never witnessed for fantasy. Video games and the panorama gives a big influence on him. Children are always learning a lot and activities that involve drawing and painting, games, movies, videos, cartoon stories, illustrated stories, or stories expressed through pictures. In addition, children also absorb the lessons that can always be explained using slides or transparency and the games which involve imagination and always learning through visits to art galleries.
4. Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence
Children are usually like to work with both hands. He could be a sportsman. Children always need a motion even though he was in a state of learning. Usually the child is always sensitive to the problems (including psychiatric problems) and always reflect on the movement. Children like this tend to learn acting, play theater. In addition, children also require building equipment, sports, and games that involve physical.
5. Musical Intelligence
Children are usually like to listen to music, likes to play thythm. Children always enjoy the beautiful voices and always play a musical instrument. Children fanatical about music groups and enjoys listening to music, then memorize the rhythm and melody tone.
6. Interpersonal Intelligence
Children are very socialist, has many friends, and always enjoyed social relationships. Children always seem soft in front of others, helpful, and socialize. Children always need a friend, always playong together, doing social activities, and perform activities that involve environmental and social. In addition, children are always involved in groups and learn about how to help and hang out.
7. Intrapersonal Intelligence
Children have feelings that are sensitive to assess weaknesses and strengths, self confidence, make future plans with clear. In addition, children have the ability to learn from past experiences and adapt to the future. Children need a quiet place, sitting alone, doing their own activities, and seek a variety of experience to determine future work.mu
Each individual must have one of these seven kinds of intelligence. Each person has different types of intelligence. The only difference is how to express their intelligence or make use of free time to show his talent. Gardner stated that since a small child always reflect his intelligence as an attitude of learning, for example, some children take the time to hit the objects as a reflection of their intelligence to play music, and some others are working with both hands to draw and make little pictures in the book as a reflection top talent to draw. There are also children who are always moving all the time as a reflection of the intelligence agencies move. If the child has started school, teachers tend to only assess and Intelligence Linguistic Intelligence Logical-Matematic. Here starts the problem. Young children who love to learn with music, moving the body, or draw, they will not be able to receive lessons with regular patterns. Then the teachers concluded that they do not deserve to learn, especially children who are actively engaged or children who tend to learn by moving both hands.
By : Agil Azzahra
By : Agil Azzahra